To start the day, I got out of the house a little late. I forgot about the extra time needed to check a bag in. I was the last one to board. One would think I would know better. All the same I made it.
In Orlando I built my bike off to the side of the baggage carousel. It must have looked a little strange, having the contents of my bag strewn all over the carpet. A few TSA folks walked by but never said a word. A word of advise, don't pack your helmet with your bike. Carry it on the airplane. Because of this over site, my helmet has a big giant crack in it. I have to find a bike shop soon. I left the bike in the baggage office while I check the empty bike case in for it's second flight of the day. The ticket agent thought I was checking in an empty so I could fill it with Christmas presents. I just smiled. I hope it made it to Fort Lauderdale. Heck, I hope I make it to Fort Lauderdale.
Riding out of the airport is a bit challenging with the buses and taxis zooming by. But once past the interstate entrance ramp the traffic comes down. The day was suppose to take me to Lake Wales after 61 miles. I did ride well over 60 miles but I didn't make it to Lake Wales. I got off course after only 5 miles and it took me 15 extra miles to get back on course. And in Kissimee I spent 5 miles looking for a bike shop that is now out of business and became a pizza shop. I called it a day in Haines City at a Howard Johnson's. Clean room, hot shower, and of course food. It has been years since I've had a good Ho Jo's buffet. $7.45 all you can eat and really good food too. I behaved myself, only ate one helping of everything.
Holy cow, I'm out of shape. I knew this wasn't going to be an easy trip but boy oh boy, my legs hurt. I'm hanging out in my hotel room watching Edward Scirrorshands with my feet high on the wall trying to not cramp up. Tomorrow should be interesting.
Best guess 70 miles today.
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