Thursday, March 11, 2010

All in all it was a good week

As I mentioned last week, I planned on riding my century of the year in San Diego on March 7th. Well, that didn't go quite as planned.

Ed and I flew non-rev early Friday morning. We got on the flight to Denver without a problem. The second leg to San Diego almost didn't happen. We got pulled because the flight was oversold by 6 people. It didn't look good for us at all. The next open flight to San Diego wasn't until 9:15pm,a full 12 hours later. As Ed and I were making plans to spend the day in Boulder, the CSA found us the empty seats we needed to get back on the plane. We were on our way.

We landed in paradise at 11:30am. We had the rest of the day ahead of us. Awesome. Eric met us at baggage claim, from there we went to the hotel, got changed and Eric and Ed headed to Encinitas to get Eric's bike. I took a bus to La Jolla to get my bike from AJ's house. I rode up to Encinitas to meet them and we all rode back downtown to the hotel. By the time we got back into town it was way past dark, I got us a little lost, oops. I got in about 47 miles and Eric and Ed got in about 30 miles. Not a bad day of riding for spending most of it on an airplane.

Trying to stay on course with my fitness, I got up early for a little gym time. After a nice breakfast, we went to the Gran Fondo Expo to check out all the different vendors and to meet AJ, EJ and Melanie for a bike ride. We all had a great ride showing Eric and Ed the incredible sites in Mission and Pacific Beach. It was something like 25 miles. Just what we needed to keep our legs fresh for our 101 mile ride in the morning. We all met at 5pm for an amazing pasta dinner in Little Italy. AJ's idea for us to meet early for dinner was a great plan, we were able to get to bed early since the ride started at 7am in the morning. Ouch, even for us east coasters.

We woke up to threating skies, the promised rain was on it's way. Again after another great breakfast we rolled down the 3 blocks to the Gran Fond's start. Sometimes it is all about who you know, we lined up with the VIP's at the very front of all the 3000 other riders. There were past Olympians and past World Champions and many National Champions. There was Dave Letteri, Mari Holden, Kurt Stockton, John Howard, and Paolo Bettini. Even NBA star Bill Walton was riding. As we were waiting for the start the skies opened up with the hardest rain I've ever seen in California. We rolled out very cautiously because this was the first time AJ ever rode in the rain. Must be nice living in Southern California. Except today. The rain never let up.

After crossing Coronado Bridge, we went south down the strand, before going east to the hills. I was riding with AJ and EJ when Paolo Bettini and his entourage sped by. I had to take this opportunity to ride with a 2 time World Champion and Olympic Gold Medalist. I said see ya to AJ and EJ and jumped on the Italian train. Quickly we caught up to Ed, I yelled for Ed to jump in. He looked at me like this is way too early to be going this fast, then he saw who I was riding with, he jumped right in. Shortly I dropped back to ride with AJ. We rolled along though the rain, even passing Paolo with a mechanical, to the first rest stop. AJ and EJ kept on going and Eric and I grabbed some snacks. Paolo and company came in and I was able to get a picture of Eric with Paolo and Flat Stanly. Nice.

Eric and I were just riding along when he said Paolo should be passing us soon, and there he was. We jumped right in with the Italians for the next few miles. I could get use to riding with a World and Olympic Champion. We met everyone at the second rest stop. We were all freezing and soaked to the bone. I was trying to remember the last time I started a century in the poring rain. It was the Civil War Century in Gettysburg about 5 years ago. We did the 50 mile ride instead of the 100. We decided to do the same thing here. We were all good with this.

From here the ride changed from a 100 miles survival ride, to a 55 mile fun fast ride. Since we were heading back to San Diego, instead of doing another 70 miles over a mountain, we all rode freer and faster. EJ and I took off a couple times stretching our legs, fast. Lots of fun. The last 5 miles were on some pretty sketchy roads with lots of pot holes and a crazy amount of railroad crossings at all kinds of bad angles. We all stayed upright, thank goodness.

We got to the finish ate some great food and raced back to the hotel for the hottest shower I could stand and then came back to the Expo for some more food. Oh yea, we went for dinner for some more food that night. In spite of the rainy weather, we had the best time. I love riding with good friends in any weather. San Diego is awesome! I can't wait for next years Gran Fondo. In dry conditions :)

Since I've gotten back, I've ridden 3 days in a row. 25, 50 and 40 miles. Total for the week 240 miles. Not a bad week at all.

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