Saturday, April 21, 2012

It's going to be a good year.

What a year this is going to be. All with in the last few weeks my summer plans has taking the most amazing turn for the best. The first week of May Jill and I are going to Aruba to go kiteboading, something I've always wanted to try. We will be there from the 1st-8th. This will be my first beach vacation in over ten years. I'm not one to just sit on the beach so kiteboarding is right up my alley. This trip will come at a perfect time after spending the past three months putting in some very good quality miles on the bike. I'm looking forward to the challenge of learning a new sport.

Speaking of challenge, the other big news of my summer came from a phone call only about a week ago. Larry Gunter, who I rode with at OTC in September, called to tell me he was given the oppuntity to ride across the country with World Team Sports for Wounded Warriors. He needed a tandem driver for the two month ride and wanted to invite me. --- HOLY CRAP!!! CAN I DO IT! DREAM OF A LIFTIME, I don't know if I can take the time away... WAIT A MINUTE, OF COURSE I CAN. YES!!! I CAN GO!! WOW!!!! --- now my mind is spinning, I have so much to get together to make this trip happen. The biggest is to rearrange my work schedules and call in some favors to get the time off.

The trip is Sea 2 Shining Sea 2012.   The final route has not been posted yet but it looks something like 4000 miles in 60 days with about 20 other cyclist. Starting in San Franciso on May 28th and ending in Virginia Beach on July 28th.

I'm going to post much more info about this trip and during this trip very soon.
Thanks for reading.

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