Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse Memorial

 My first night in South Dakota was much colder than the past few weeks, under 30 degrees. I had hoped to get a ride in later in the day but I decided to visit Mount Rushmore. I drove around it probably 15 years ago on my motorcycle trip across the country but I didn’t stop in. This time I paid the $10. It was fairly crowded and of course most did not have mask on, really no surprise. I pretty much got my pictures and got out of there. The trails and exhibits were closed.

There was quite a bit of snow up around there and the weather didn’t seem to get any warmer so I continued to Crazy Horse Memorial , best move I could have made. Crazy Horse is also home to the Indian Museum of North America and Culture Center. It was $12 to get in but it was the best money spent hands down. I spent the rest of the day there. So much to see and so much to learn. I was there for 5 hours and I feel like I just scratched the surface. I explored everything exhibit I could. I read about the extinction of the buffalo, the great warriors, their amazing culture and I even got to hear their music. I bought two CD’s. The stories and the history of these great people are amazing and shocking at the same time. I just can’t believe how incredibly awful one race can be to another. But than again...... nothing has changed. 

And of course there is the incredible man and his family who started and are building this beautiful Memorial. Sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski Is the man and the mind behind the Memorial. He is truly a Storyteller in Stone. I got to see his workshop and many of his beautiful sculptures. When you have time read his story or better yet, come visit him in South Dakota.

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