Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Spearfish South Dakota with Caroline

 When I was sitting in the parking lot of Planet Fitness in Dayton Minnesota watching the rain trying to decide what to do, I called my friend Caroline. Earlier in the year we had talked about doing some riding with some of her friends in South Dakota, that plan fell through. But I asked her if she wanted to meet me short notice in Spearfish. She said she had plans to go camping with friends over the weekend in Colorado. After a few minutes thinking about her trip with friends just hanging out or going riding with me everyday, she choose me. She canceled her plans and changed some appointments to meet me earlier in South Dakota. 

I was able to reserve a campsite at Chris Camp in Spearfish for four days. Nice shaded campsite just outside of town. We got to catch up, play games and watch movies. And of course ride. Friday we did a 12 mile mountain bike ride on Continental #89 trail near Sturgis. Afterward we got chili in Sturgis. Saturday we did a 15 mile mountain bike ride on Deadman’s Trail also neat Sturgis. After that we had an amazing dinner at The Farmhouse Bistro and Bar in Spearfish. We split a salad and each had a wonderful burger. Mine had Mac and cheese on it. Mmmm! And of course dessert, a lemon cookie with raspberry ice cream, amazingly delicious. We had to walk off all of that food even after our long ride, so we went to explore water falls with a couple mile hike. On Sunday we hiked up Crow Peak Trail which is about 7 miles round trip. 

Hanging out with Caroline is always special. We have such a great time. The conversation just flows. We talked and talked and talked. It is wonderful. Thanks Caroline for a great weekend.

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