Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 17 Sea 2 Shining

Starting out on Rt 40 in Roosevelt was just the same joy as it was when we rode in. No joy at all. Stupid rumbel strips on the white line, heavy truck traffic, the same nasty drivers and no  room for safety. The big bad stupid road lasted about ten miles until the traffic thinned out a bit. We stayed on Rt 40 well past lunch until we reached Colorado and the town of Dinosaur.

Since we all left Roosevelt together, it was just a matter of time before the faster riders set off at our faster pace and just blow past the others. With a couple of climbs we were miles ahead of the rest. We decided to continue on til lunch and wait there for everyone else to arrive. We sat at lunch for well over an hour. So when we finally got back on our bikes it was like starting a new ride. An 80 mile ride became a 30 mile ride after lunch. We still picked up the pace for the second ride and had lots of fun. The last 10 miles was almost all downhill into Rangley.

The folks at our hotel Blue Moutain Inn in Rangley were so friendly, helpful and wonderful. We ate right there at the Inn next to the swimming pool and hot tub using their bbq. Our support staff made a great meal of steak, chicken, a huge salad and even desserts. I can't thank our support staff enough for their hard work and attention to detail. They don't miss a thing. It was a wonderful night.

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