Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 6 Sea 2 Shining Sea

Today we had the extremes of slow to fast. We got a late start because of a charity bike ride going around Lake Tahoe, luckily they were going the opposite direction. Just after the first few miles we already had two flats as a group. Then we crossed our first state line, YEA. Only 13 more to go. We all stopped so my friends LaVerne and William could take our pictures. ( I'll post that picture when I get it)

As we rode around the southeast side of Lake Tahoe we passed a caravan of covered wagons.

Then we rode thru a tunnel. Then we started to climb. Todays climb was much shorter, Larry and I decided to hang with John all the way up and meet everyone else at the top for lunch. It was a very slow climb but it was great to be with John as he made it to the top strong. Great job John!

After lunch all we had was a very fast and long descent to Carson City. Larry and I hit 61.1 mph!!!!! That was way FUN.

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