Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 27 Sea 2 Shinig Sea

Today was an Incredible Day!! Because it was such a long day I planned to split the day with Hunter. It worked out great. I rode the first 76 miles and Hunter rode the last 44 miles to the end. This give Larry 120 miles!!!!

Since I've been struggling with the heat and the distince lately, I thought it would be best to share my riding duties on the long days. Larry is just super human, somehow he is as strong at the beginning of the day as he is at the end of the day, amazing. We started out riding with our fast group. At 52 miles we had a quick lunch and as we were just about to leave Glenn came riding in. Wow, he was just a couple minutes behind us while riding my himself after 52 miles. Very impressive. After a little discussion the group choose to have Glenn join us to the end. As we rode out I told Glenn we would all ride his pace (which of course was just a half mph slower than us). This lasted about two miles before the other tandem started to ride away. I yelled for them to slow down a bit. They did for a couple pedal strokes and then they sped up and were gone. No surprise there. Larry and I rode with Glenn for the next 24 miles until Hunter was able to catch up in the van to releave me from my riding duties for the day.

For the rest of the day I helped Danelle with water stops for the fast group. Larry and Hunter kept a very steady fast pace and the other tandem and Joe rode with Glenn. Joe did a great job keeping Glenn motivated to complete his first century. They laughed and joked their way in for a huge century of a 120 miles in 100+ degree heat. Great job Glenn. I don't think the other tandem had such a good day.

The day took on more incredible turn when so many people went above and beyond by completely their first century on our longest planned day of the trip. Congrats to Henry, Jonathan, Bill(on a handcycle), Jeff, Jena, and Razz.

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