Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 35 Sea 2 Shining Sea

Still going east. But today we had a great lunch in Flora, Illionis. The whole town showed up once again. It is amazing. At the start of this trip we were told how great the midwest people are. Oh so right. But I also know why I call it the waist of the country. I lost 10 pounds during the first few weeks of the ride. It has all come back and then some. Great meal after great meal is to blame. Ok, really it is up to me to push the plate away. Not happening, the food is too good.

The town of Olney pulled out all the stops. Is this a competition to see who is the nicest town with the best food? It may be. After dinner the nicest town's nicest state trooper invited a bunch of us over to his house to meet his family, do laundry and shot guns. Crazy I know, but we had so much fun. I have not shoot a gun in many many years and here I am standing looking over a corn field firing a shotgun at clay pigeons. Again way fun. Thanks again Will for a great night.

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