Monday, July 27, 2020

Chapel Rock and Mosquito Falls Trail

Last night we had some strong rains roll though and expected rains on and off for most of the day. Sounds like a great day for a hike. Jill was not interested in being wet all day and with the prospect of black flies or mosquitoes so she forwarded to our next camp and ran errands. I really wanted to hike Chapel Rock Trail that we bypassed yesterday because of crowds. I’m sure there will be less people out on a crappy day. 

Definitely the most stunning spectacular hiking experience I’ve ever done. I’ve certainly got my hiking legs back also. A 10+ mile day on all kinds of terrain and I felt great. First off  after a mile or so was Chapel Falls very nice, another mile Or so was Chapel Rick simply breathtaking. Then 4+ miles along the coast and cliffs of nothing but overlooks and incredible views. A thunderstorm rolled in and just improved my day. I couldn’t believe how much fun I was having. The hiking poles were a must for keeping me upright and helping me keep a good pace. Soaked head to toe and wanting more. Looking over the edge I could see the kayaks exploring from below. Definitely next time I will kayak and maybe if I could in the winter. 

Okay here are lots of pictures 

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